You’ve got a handful of board members who’ve stepped up to pen personal notes on your fundraising appeal. Go, you!
If only it were as easy as giving these intrepid volunteers a stack of letters and a ball point.
Chances are, their minds come up blank every time they sit down to write. How can you help them conquer their mental block and draft personal, heartfelt notes?
Stewarding donors may not come naturally to all of your board members, especially those who are brand spankin’ new to development. And that’s ok.
You can support them in building a new skill and relationships with donors. Do you know what the best part is (aside from saving you time)? It will get their feet wet for more significant fundraising activities in the future!

10+ Personal Notes for Board Members to Write on Appeal Letters
Hi, I’m Sarah
Running a nonprofit is hard, right? You’re asked to wear a lot of hats, juggle a lot of balls, and spin a lot of plates. If that sounds like a circus to you–it is! But a lot less fun. I help nonprofit leaders, like you, to quell the chaos by finding the right people, the right direction, and the right words to tell your stories. I use everything I’ve learned–and continue to learn– to bring out the best you’ve got with board development, strategy, and communications.